Fablab Safety

The Fablab is a place where you can make almost anything. It is a place to make your ideas into actual products. There are many different apparatus available for use inside to allow you to unleash your creativity. However, this also means that if you are not careful, you can pose a danger to not just yourself, but others as well.

In the Fablab, safety is the number 1 priority and everyone shares the same reponsibility of keeping everyone safe. As we deal with various tools and machinery, workplace health and safety becomes very important for everyone. SP has their own code of conduct for Fablab and Workshops, as shown here.

In case of an emergency, what should you do?
In addition, SP has an emergency hotline (6772 1234) that should be contacted when an accident occurs. For everyone's safety, all types of incidents should be reported, regardless of severity.

With emergency protocols out of the way, another important thing to note in the Fablab for safety reasons is attire.
For Males:

For Females:

In the Fablab, you will find different types of tools to work with. Depending on the tool, the dangers you could be exposed to can range from being harmless to requiring professional supervision. To aid the average Joe, there are safety placards placed in the Fablab to guide you on what dangers you could be exposed to, and what to watch out for.

Here are some examples of such safety placards you will find in the Fablab:

Warning Hazards (as shown below) are there to warn you of potential dangers you may be exposed to if not careful. They should not be ignored.

Some machines may require the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to keep you safe before use. Such PPE include:

In the Fablab, there are different types of hazards you can encounter. They can be separated into two types, mechanical and non-mechanical hazards. Referenced from: WSH Guide on Safe Use of Machineries